Trinity River Steelhead Season is Strong…

So far the fall-run steelhead season in November is off to a strong start.

The storms we had in early November delivered quite a bit of snow above 3,000ft and rain in the valley. It was a good reprieve from the dry & hot October. This helped get some fish on the move and in the upper river.

The rain systems and time of the year (fall-run hatchery fish are actually pretty predictable) have us looking at steelhead on a daily basis. Some days we see quite a few and other days its a grind to locate just a couple. The struggle is real… but that’s steelhead fishing! One day you’re a hero the next you’re a zero.

We are seeing a good mix of hatchery fish and well as a good number of wild steelhead. There have also been a good mix of size… lots of solid, 6-8lb fish around as well as the smaller “tweeners” in the 20”-23” size. I’ve also begun to see a good number of tagged fish lately and the “rumor” is there are a lot more coming from downriver. These next few weeks could be a very good time to steelhead fish.

It’s difficult to predict anything with regards to anadromous fish… salmon and steelhead really just do what they want. But several indications so far this fall season point towards a decent season ahead. If you are considering steelhead fishing I would suggest getting off the couch and book some dates in Dec, Jan or Feb this year.

Dates Available:

Dec 19, 20, 22, 29, 30 (also very good dates for the Lower Sac trout)

Jan 4, 5, 6, 9-13, 30, 31

Feb 1-3, 13-17, 21-24, 27, 28 (also very good dates for the Lower Sac trout)

In the meantime, keep doing those rain dances and let’s hope we get some more storms on the horizon soon.


Wintertime Trout…


Lower Sac River Fall Season…