Hard NO on H.R. 8167 aka the Return Act…

I don’t know how you feel about it… But I’ll tell you what… I simply cannot stand it when Politicians go out of their way to screw up something that is working amazingly well and represents much of what this fine country is about.

Our friends at Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Project (TRCP.org) sound the alarm for continued diligence and action to thwart the very ill-conceived RETURN our Constitutional Rights Act 2022

If you don’t know how you feel about it - then PLEASE read up on this important issue with the link provided below. Then, more importantly… PLEASE write your duly elected and let them know how you feel.

Check out:


More from TRCP.org:

“Most hunters and anglers understand that we are part of an enduring and essential compact—a portion of the cost of our firearms, ammunition, and other equipment enjoyed in the field is used by every state in the nation to fund wildlife management, habitat conservation, hunter education, and more. Sportsmen, sportswomen, and gear manufacturers fought to create this system through the Pittman-Robertson Act at the height of the Depression, knowing we needed to step up to halt the decline of species ranging from waterfowl to elk. In the 1950s, anglers did the same thing with the Dingell-Johnson Act to enhance fisheries conservation and access to our nation's waters.  

We're proud to contribute, but legislation has been introduced in Congress that would gut the essential Pittman-Robertson conservation funding model. Call on your representative to oppose H.R. 8167. It's a bad idea that would have serious real-world consequences for fish, wildlife, and the public's ability to hunt and fish.” 


August 1st Re-Opener Sundial Bridge, Lower Sac


Salmon Season on the Trinity River